Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Grade 1 D update

Apologies for the long overdue post, we have had problems with our internet connection at school for the last few months but are hopefully back on track.
Last term we did a water cycle experiment during water week making it rain in a jar and drew a diagram remembering the words - precipitation, condensation, evaporation.

The children had a super time at the 'fun gala.'

We had our last class certificates handed out in assembly until the third term.

Our class did a lovely display for Earth Day on the notice board; each making a promise to do one thing to help the earth or environment from now on.

While learning about 3D shapes the children worked in teams to create a robot using recycled cylinders, prisms, cubes and other shaped boxes.

We have a busy book week this week and it kicked off with us decorating our classroom door with one of our favourite reads so far this year 'The Magic Faraway Tree' by Enid Blyton.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Addition and Subtraction

In our classroom when learning about addition and subtraction we talk about 'Mrs Plus' and 'Mean Mr Minus'. Mrs Plus is always say 'Have more', on the numberline she calls you forward saying 'Come with me there's more to see.'
Mean Mr Minus always takes things away, on the numberline he says 'go back!'
This may be helpful to you if you do any revision over the holidays!

Certificates this week

Due to all the assessments we did last week we don't have any work on our Superstar table this week. At assembly this week Swara and Liam were awarded certificates for their positive attitude toward their work, the other children and their good behaviour in the classroom.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

More class orals

Well done to all the children who did their orals today. They were so well prepared and spoke very confidently.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

'All about me' orals

We continued with our class orals today, the children continue to impress.

Superstars this week and last

We did not get to hand out certificates last week because of our special 'Read aloud day' assembly so this week 5 children received their certificates for working hard in the classroom and doing excellent work. Well done Sudhardshan, Zenala, Reece, Hannah and Mariam.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Class Orals

We began the grade 1 orals 'All about me' today. The first four children were very impressive and so well prepared. The whole class thoroughly enjoyed hearing about Kaydon, Sudharshan, Kuvendren and Zeta.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Purim Carnival

Today we celebrated the Purim festival. We had a special assembly where the Jewish children explained the meaning behind the celebration - It is to remember that Queen Esther saved the Jews from the evil Haman. Then the children had some dancing and then a parade to see all the children in the school dressed up for 'the Royal Palace'. The carnival was great fun down on the field with slides, games, a juggler, a python, a lady on stilts. live music and lots of prizes to be won. 
The children were also treated to 'hamantash, a delicious triangle shaped biscuit made for Purim.