Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Superstars this week

Zeta and Kuvendren have had their work displayed on our Superstar table this week and got their certificates at assembly this morning. Well done!


Visit from the SHARKS

This morning in assembly the children were treated to a big surprise. 2 of the Sharks players, Bismarck du Plessis and Monde Hadebe came to visit, play games, chat and signed autographs for everyone! Even the teachers got in on the action. Katleho proved her strength when she beat Bismarck at arm wrestling!!

Friday, 20 February 2015


Each week when we do a new phonic sound we have a fun activity to illustrate the sound we are doing. Look out for our beautiful artwork brightening up the stairway.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

The best place to learn

As a life skills lesson this week we discussed how we could make our classroom the best place for learning. The children gave suggestions on what I can do and then on what each of them can do. We have displayed the ideas to remind us of how we can make our classroom the best place to learn for everyone.

This week's Superstars

This week Zidane and Shriyav had their excellent work displayed on our superstar table and received certificates in assembly.

Valentine's Day

We had a very special day on Friday 13th February. The children dressed in red, white or pink and were spoiled with treats from parents, teachers and their fellow learners.

Tuesday, 10 February 2015


This week the children receiving certificates in assembly for their excellent work that is being displayed on the 'Superstar Table' are Michaela and Esihle. Shriyav has been Go-kart racing with the KZN Kart Club for a few months and came second in a race recently and was awarded a cup.

Love Your Earth Celebration

Today was the 'Love your Earth' celebration. The children all dressed in green and enjoyed a fantastic show in the hall called Eenie, Meenie, Minie Show. They learned some sign language and had such a fun time. Some parents and grandparents joined us in the classroom afterwards to help us plant an indoor garden using recycled containers.

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Superstar Table

Over the past 3 weeks 6 different children have had their work displayed on the 'Superstar Table'. This week they were called out in assembly and each received a certificate. Children's work is displayed when they have made their best effort, worked quietly and taken pride in their work. 


Our class are soaring ahead with their reading, this is greatly encouraged when they have opportunities to read books that interest them and with the company of others. So keep up the good work at home and read! read! read! with them. These are some pictures of them enjoying their weekly visit to the library.