Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Grade 1 D update

Apologies for the long overdue post, we have had problems with our internet connection at school for the last few months but are hopefully back on track.
Last term we did a water cycle experiment during water week making it rain in a jar and drew a diagram remembering the words - precipitation, condensation, evaporation.

The children had a super time at the 'fun gala.'

We had our last class certificates handed out in assembly until the third term.

Our class did a lovely display for Earth Day on the notice board; each making a promise to do one thing to help the earth or environment from now on.

While learning about 3D shapes the children worked in teams to create a robot using recycled cylinders, prisms, cubes and other shaped boxes.

We have a busy book week this week and it kicked off with us decorating our classroom door with one of our favourite reads so far this year 'The Magic Faraway Tree' by Enid Blyton.